Modern materials

Harry Koekebakker monteert het beslag op een mast.

Our hulls contain a lot of stainless steel parts and are coated with a modern epoxy paint system that for the best result, is directly applied after internal and external sandblasting of the steel. You also can choose for "Coelan", a special, transparent, very flexible product for optimal preservation of wood. With this product we are experienced for almost over 8 years. Nevertheless it is a very difficult product to process, it lasts for many years without the need for a yearly varnish job unlike conventional varnish is used.

Fire retardant polyurethane foam

All our hulls are applied with fire retardant polyurethane foam for isolation on the inside. This is applied seemless by a specilaized company, and will insure you of a comfortable and warm ship without moisture on the plating and thereby no corrosion.


You can see we work with the state of the art materials and methods so a good endproduct of fixed value is made.
We aim to build and rent out ships with a modern and streamlined underwater ship, excellent sailing properties, a very extensive navigation equipment and a beautiful interior with lots of ship ornaments.

In short: yachts we are proud of and we sure know that everybody sailing such a Yacht has lots of pleasure and is proud showing it off in the marina.

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Waterkampioen 2005.pdf 1.23 MB Download
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